Gumball anulada
No voy a críticar nada. Lo hecho, hecho está. Y el espectáculo fué increible mientrás duró. Una verdadera lástima. Aunque los comunicados de prensa, especialmente el primero, son rerpochables como mínimo.
Gumball anulada
No voy a críticar nada. Lo hecho, hecho está. Y el espectáculo fué increible mientrás duró. Una verdadera lástima. Aunque los comunicados de prensa, especialmente el primero, son rerpochables como mínimo.
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4 de mayo de 2007 a las 01:57¿Algún enlace?
4 de mayo de 2007 a las 08:481er comunicado de prensa oficial de la Gumball3000:
Gumball 3000 is very saddened to announce a road accident which occurred yesterday, May 2nd, involving a participating vehicle and a local vehicle in Macedonia. Exact details are still filtering through, but below are the facts as of midday May 3rd 2007 issued by the Macedonian authorities…
…An adult Macedonian male aged 67 died in hospital from a heart attack following the incident where the two cars collided. The participants in the rally were held in custody last night with a preliminary court judgement expected today.
Organisers of the rally would like to express its deepest condolences to the family of the victim for this tragic accident.
Maximillion Cooper, founder of the Rally says: «It is with extreme sadness I have to make an announcement of this nature in the events nine year history. The event is organised with each local authorities support and permission, and drivers are under strict stipulation to abide by the laws and road regulations of the country they are driving through. It is extremely sad for this unfortunate accident to have occurred. I am informed that the incident was reported immediately by the drivers. Both drivers are extremely traumatised by this occurrence.»
2º comunicado:
Following our earlier release reporting yesterday’s accident – As a sign of respect we have decided that this year’s Gumball 3000 Rally will not travel any further and will end in Bratislava this evening, May 3rd 2007.
As the organisers of the rally we feel that it should be stopped as a mark of respect to Vladimir Cepulyoski who died today after an accident involving one the participating drivers.
We are very saddened by what has happened and feel that it would be wrong to continue. On behalf of Gumball 3000, we once again extend our deepest sympathies to his family and we are doing everything we can for them.
This is the first time anything like this has happened in 9 years of travelling through over 40 countries with 1000’s of drivers and it is with deep regret that I make this announcement.
Video de la zona del accidente:
En Jalopnik están dándoles mucha caña. La Gumball había sido rebautizada hace tiempo como Scumball (algo así como la carrera de la escoria)y ahora parece ser su nuevo nombre oficial. Como decías Arpia49 no se puede generalizar puesto que habrá gente que estuviera corriendo con cabeza y sus actos fueran al menos más ético y humanos. Es una lástima que todos los oportunistas aprovechen ya para clamar al cielo por la velocidad y sus peligros, pero no tiene que ver la velocidad con adelantar saltándose cebreados y conducir tras una fiesta devastatadora que no te dejó dormir. Hay grandes diferencias.
4 de mayo de 2007 a las 13:07Decir que Alexander Roy, del Team Polizei, ha colaborado en Jalopnik y Gizmodo como columnista. El Team Polizei, si no me equivoco, fue el primero en abandonar la edición de este año tras el accidente.